Sharing Chips

Efficiently managing Excess Stock, your guide to our Marketplace


Begin your journey by signing up for free at The sign-up process is not only user-friendly but also comes without any associated costs. Once you're part of our community, you gain access to an expansive marketplace, allowing you to explore and engage at your convenience. Registration is reserved for electronic assemblers.


To maintain the integrity of our marketplace and foster a community of electronics assemblers & manufacturers, access is exclusively granted to this select group. During the sign-up process, you'll be prompted to provide specific business information, ensuring that our community remains exclusive to qualified manufacturers. This allows us also to avoid speculation on prices inside the marketplace.


Upon successful registration, you unlock the doors to our marketplace. Here, you'll find a diverse array of electronics products, and you can seamlessly engage in buying or selling, depending on your business needs and goals. The marketplace has a list of components made available by other assemblers and manufactures like you, and contain details such as part number, manufacture, data code and quantity.


We act as a facilitator for connections, initiating the sales process on the app. However, the subsequent details of the transaction, such as payment methods and shipping arrangements, are managed directly between the involved parties. This ensures flexibility and customization based on the unique needs of each transaction on the marketplace.

Buying EXCESS stock

The buying process is designed to be intuitive and efficient. When you identify a “warehouse line” of excess stock that aligns with your requirements, a simple click reserves it for a specified duration. An automatic email is then dispatched to the seller, containing your details. The seller will promptly respond regarding the product’s availability, and during this reserved period, the product line is exclusively yours, temporarily inaccessible to others.


As a registered member, you have the privilege of showcasing multiple excess stock lines on our marketplace. Whether you choose to upload an Excel document or compile information directly on the platform, the process is streamlined for your convenience. Upon uploading your products, fellow users can easily book them, and you’ll receive an email with their information upon confirmation.

Making the most of our Marketplace

We create the connection, you make the sale.