Sharing Chips


How do I sign up for the excess components inventory marketplace?

You can sign up for free by visiting our and filling out the registration form. Only electronic devices Assembler (EMS /OEM / ODM) are allowed access to sign up to avoid speculation on prices, and you will be asked to provide specific information about your business to ensure that you are a manufacturer.

What types of products are allowed on the marketplace?

Only electronics products that are currently in your excess components inventory are allowed on the marketplace. The selling price cannot be any higher than the current price list.

How do I buy excess components inventory?

When you are interested in a "warehouse line," you can click on it and book it for a specified number of hours. The seller will receive an automatic email with your data, and they will respond whether the product is available. For those hours, the line of product will not be available for others.

How do I sell excess components inventory?

After signing up, you can upload multiple excess stock lines from the marketplace by uploading an Excel document or by filling out the information directly on the marketplace. Once you have uploaded something, other users will be able to book your product, and you will receive an email with their data.

What happens after a sale is made on the marketplace?

Any sale only starts on the app, and we only serve as a network. To conclude it, you will have to check your emails and decide how to manage it: the method of payment, the shipment, etc., are all arranged between the two parties through emails or other methods of communication they decide on.

What happens if I have an issue with a purchase or sale of excess components inventory on the marketplace?

If you have any issues with a purchase or sale on the marketplace, please contact our customer support team, and we will do our best to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Are there any limitations in buying or selling?

There will be a daily limit of 3 bookings and monthly limitations in the operations a user can do, this is to avoid any possibility of brokerage.

What if I have other questions or concerns that are not addressed here?

If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team at We're here to help and are happy to assist with any issues or questions you may have.